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Portugal Committee

  • Augusto FERREIRA de ALMEIDA, Former President, National Drugs Commission
  • Jorge GONALVES, Professor, Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto
  • Jos Augusto GONALVES, Surgeon, Barreiro Hospital, Lissabon
  • Mario LOPES, Professor, Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Lissabon
  • Jos MORAIS, Professor, Pharmacological Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon
  • Walter OSSWALD, Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto
  • Jorge POLONIA, Faculty of Medicine Professor of Medicine, University of Aveiro
  • Rico TOSCANO, Vice President and President, Academia das Cincias de Lisbon and Sciences Class of the Academia das Cincias de Lisbon