We bring together distinguished personalities of the highest stature to promote new standards of excellence.
Our committees are actively involved in defining the Galien Foundation agenda, of iterating the issues brought forth for debate, and of shedding light on the tremendous achievements man has made to improve the human condition.

- Yves AGID, Member and Emeritus Professor, Neurology; Member, Academy of Sciences and CHU Piti Salptrire (Pierre et Marie Curie University); National Consultative Ethics Committee
- Florence AMBROSINO, President, SAS SODAPI Plus
- Julien ARTU, President & Co-Founder, My Hospi Friends
- Marie-Josee AUGE-CAUMON, President; Vice-President; Member, LA BOUTIK (CAARUD); Les Petits Bonheurs; MemberEconomic, Social and Environmental Council and Commission of Practices and Routes to the High Authority of Health
- Carole AVRIL, Director-General, French Federation of Diabetics
- Richard AXEL, Nobel Laureate, Co-Director, Kavli Institute for Brain Science, Columbia University Medical Center
- Étienne-Émile BAULIEU, Former President, French Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Sciences, USA
- Dominique BAYLE, CEO & CO-Founder, Petits Prince Association
- Claire BEYLOT, Professor Emeritus; Former Head of Dermatology, University of Bordeaux; Bordeaux University Hospital
- Nadine BINART, President; Research Director, French Society of Endocrinology; INSERM, Kremlin-Bicêtre
- Corrado Blandizzi, Professor of Pharmacology & Director, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa
- Gilles BOUVENOT, Emeritus Professor and Member, Marseille Faculty of Medicine and National Academy of Medicine
- Annelien BREDENOORD, Professor of Ethics, Biomedical Innovation Julius Center & Department of Medical Humanities, University Medical Center Utrecht
- Franois BRICAIRE, President, International Operations; Professor, French Red Cross; University of Paris-VI
- Mireille BROCHIER, Professor Emeritus, Cardiology, University of Tours
- Michael BROWN, Nobel Laureate, Professor of Molecular Genetics and Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
- Eric BRUCKERT, Head, Metabolisme Endocrinology Department and Chairman, Metabolic Unit of Exploration for the Prevention of Cardiovascular disease, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere
- Anne BUISSON, Deputy Director , Afa Crohn-RCH France
- J. BURGGRAAF, Research Director, Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR) & Professor of Translational Drug Research, Division of Pharmacology, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), University of Leiden
- Jean CALOP, Former Head, Pharmacy division and Emeritus Professor, Clinical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy, University Hospital of Grenoble
- Luigi CANONICO, Professor of Pharmacology, Università del Piemonte, Orientale Amedeo Avogadro
- Victorine CARRE, Pharmacist-consultant, Economic and regulatory business consulting
- Charles CAULIN, Honorary Head of Department, Internal Medicine, Lariboisire Hospital
- Pierre CHAMBON, Founder, Institute for Genetics and Cellular and Molecular Biology (IGNMC)
- Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX, Member and Emeritus Professor, Institut de France (Academy of Sciences) and Collge de France and at Institut Pasteur.
- Pascal CHARBONNEL, Vice President, College of General Medicine, Ulis 91
- Piotr L. CHLOSTA, Chairman, Department of Urology, University in Krakow
- J.C. CLEVERS, Group Leader, Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research Professor of Molecular Genetics & Research Director, Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht
- Yves COHEN, Honorary Faculty, Pharmacy, University Paris-Sud
- Alberto Corsini, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Milan