The Prix Galien France celebrates therapeutic excellence, it is a prize of great prestige, recognized by the public authorities, prized by researchers and health actors, it has existed since 1970 and rewards innovation in health.
Val-de-Grȃce, Paris
Best Pharmaceutical Product
(Gilead Sciences)
(Sobi and Apellis Pharmaceuticals)
(Laboratoires Pierre Fabre)
Best Medical Technology
Farapulse™️ (Boston Scientific SAS)
Peristeen® Plus Sonde Rectale Conique (Laboratoires Coloplast)
Best Digital Health Solution
L'Arbre Conseils Mal de Tête®
(Société francophone des sciences pharmaceutiques officinales et Sanofi Santé Grand Public France)
Best Medical Research
Pr Sabine Sarnacki, chef du service de chirurgie pédiatrique, hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Paris et au Pr Isabelle Bloch, professeure à Sorbonne Université, laboratoire LIP6, titulaire de la chaire en intelligence artificielle, Paris
Best Program for Patients
Programme d’accompagnement des endeuillés dont le proche décédé a fait don de ses organes et/ou de ses tissus, de la Coordination hospitalière de prélèvements d’organes et de tissus du CHU de Bordeau
Prix Galien 2023- Val-de-Grȃce, Paris
The Prix Galien distinguishes remarkable, recent and publicly available health innovations (all treatments combined) as well as emblematic research work. It therefore contributes, in particular, to promoting and energizing health research and encouraging the laboratories and teams that advance it. It honors exceptional innovations in all areas of health: drugs, medical devices, e-health and also patient support.
The interest shown in it by the public authorities, in particular the Ministers of Health, Research or Industry, as well as its audience abroad, encourages the teams to mobilize ever more to obtain this distinction.
If the prestige of the Prix Galien has accumulated over the years, it is thanks to the members of the various juries, which include eminent experts and specialists in each category. Through their choice of laureates, they have been able to faithfully endorse the therapeutic movement in France for more than half a century and highlight innovations and the most successful teams. The notoriety of the members of the jury, their scientific rigour, their independence, a license to assert with the health sector and public authorities the institutional nature of the Galien prize. It has for many years been taken as an example beyond the borders of our country.